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Getting There
Distance from Cape Town:
How to get there:
From Cape Town take the N2
Turn left at the Belvedere / Brenton on Lake sign board
Turn under the bridge
Continue straight for 6.5km
Turn left at the Lake Brenton sign
At the stop street, turn right
Park in the parking lot next to the slipway. You will have to carry your kit along the shoreline of the caravan park to the launching area. The caravan park is out of bounds.
Kitespots Near
Knysna - Leisure Isle
Knysna - Brenton on Lake
Knysna - Goukamma Mouth
Knysna - Buffels Baai
Kitespot Description
Wind Direction:SE, E
Best Months:
Dec - April
This is a wake style kiters paradise with the clean SE blowing across the flat water. On a high tide the world is your oyster for practising tricks in this safe environment. Large open water areas, mostly waist deep.
Rigging Area:
There is a great open piece of grass below the high tide watermark at the end of the caravan Park. Walk along the caravan park shoreline for about 90m to get the water grass area.Please note the caravan park is out of bounds to the public if you are not camping here.
Spot Amenities:
You may only use the amenities if you are camping at the camp site. They are out of bounds to all other public.
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