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Getting There
Distance from Cape Town:
182 km
Best time to go:
From Cape Town take the N2 for 85km.
Turn right at the Bredasdorp turnoff.
Continue through Bredasdorp.
At the T-junction turn right.
13 km from the turnoff to the entrance gate.
Kitespots Near
Struisbaai Main Beach
Struisbaai - Soetendalsvlei
Harbour - Struisbaai
Die Mond - Struisbaai
Pearly Beach - Overberg
Kitespot Description
Wind Direction:SE, S, SW
Best time to go:
All year round
Wave riding is the highlight at this spot. Swells can get really big on the back line, up to 3 metres. The SE is slightly onshore, but great for those goofy foot riders.
SW is cross shore and is perfect for a natural foot rider wanting to ride unhooked.
This is an ideal spot to do a downwinder to Stuisbaai on a SE if you have someone to drop you off.
Rigging Area:
Additional Information:
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