Home / Kwazulu Natal / Richards Bay - Alkandstrand

Location / Kwazulu Natal / Richards Bay - Alkandstrand

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Forecast Conditions

Getting There

How to get there:
Distance: 184km
From Durban continue on the N2 Toll Road for 111km and exit at the Richards bay, Empangeni turnoff. Turn right under the Bridge and continue for 18km and turn into Hibberd Drive for 1.2 km and turn right into Krewelkring rd, which becomes Davidson Lane. Turn left into Bayview Blvd.

Kitespots Near

Richards Bay - Pelican Island

Richards Bay - Alkandstrand

Kitespot Description

Wind Direction:NE, E, SW

Best Months:
All Year Round

Warm water and South West swells, make this spot perfect for wave riding, swells can reach up to 4m.This spot works on a NE and SW, which are both cross shore winds.The NE does get choppy if wind blows to hard.Heads up for the blue bottles which tend to come with the NE.

Wind strengths:
15 - 30 knots

Rigging Area:
You can rig on the beach.

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Annual Wind Conditions